Monday, February 1, 2010

Daizy Design Has Moved!!!

Come check out the new site!!

You can keep up to date with the blog here.

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Would love to hear your feedback.

See Ya! xxx

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

She finally lets me paint!!

After many month of being absolutely terrified of face paints, not let anything mark her skin, Miss 2 finally came up and actually begged me to paint her face. I have to say I was really impressed how long she sat, even though she was a wee bit of a wriggler. She was so happy to be a butterfly, she even went for a walk with Daddy to show it off. Now we just have to get through washing it off without a fuss and she'll be a great little model.

The four year old had to get her face painted too of course, this time a Duck..... who ever thought a duck could be so tricky?!?

Best Buddies!

Birthday Party!

My first ever 'unofficial' Birthday Party! I think I could get the hang of this.


I know its probably quite obvious that so far all my face paintings have been a little on the girly side. Just to prove I can do boys, here are a few more that I have done.

And although she technically isn't a boy, who doesn't love spiderman!


This was our final day of the 'facepaint a day' holiday challenge and of course I wanted to end with something spectacular. I love it!
Now this one did take a while, only because I kept changing my mind on how I wanted it to look. I like to find inspiration from google and then adapt them to make simplified versions for the face. I knew I wanted a peacock as their colours are beautiful, I just had no idea how to fit it onto the face. I think in the end it worked out well. This was one I found really hard to wash off.


I think this has to be one of my favourites! It took a wee bit longer than usual, I am just so grateful I have a very patient little model. I think I impressed myself how well it turned out. This was the four year olds favourite!


Mr Daizy having another go. Its a....?!?!? Terrifying looking thing really.

The four year olds choice for the day....

... an apple! Really that worm should be comping from her mouth :P

Monday, January 11, 2010

Pretty Colours

Some sort of fan, I am not really sure, but I had a lot of fun working with blending colours.

Dragon fly

I am really loving these new paints! I love the way I can lightly brush the colour on the skin and blending it into nothing. Today I even attempted it on Miss 2, but failed miserably as she seems to have a terrible phobia of face paint... (may have had something to do with Day 1 and the four year olds attempt to paint my face, those photo's shall be forever hidden! I don't really blame her, it was quite a scary sight) I managed to get a wee smudge of a dragon fly which didn't last long when the tears came, seeing paint on her face.
One day I am sure she will come around, for now the four year old will have to put up with being my 1 and only guinea pig. But she doesn't mind.

Pussy Cat Pussy cat, where have you been?

Day 7, and we were loaned some 'professional' paints. Oh it was fun! So much easier than my thick gloopy $2shop paints. I'm completely hooked, I wonder how much I can convince Mr Daizy to let me spend....??!

Little Ladyug

Today was just a quickie, Keira asked for a ladybug so thats what she got.

Flower Face

I just love this photo! If only I could get her to smile so sweetly all the time.
As much as I enjoy painting faces, I equally love taking the photo at the end. It has to be just right, the background, her hair, her clothes... maybe I am a bit obsessed. The thing with face painting is it never lasts forever, you are often lucky if it last an hour. It's only a matter of time until they want something to eat, the start rolling around the floor, rubbing their eyes. It is always hard when you have to wash it off before bedtime, all that time and love put into it, just washed down the sink. At least with a photo it can be remembered forever.

The Purple Puppy

Funny Pantsbe

Day 3, a clown. The 4 year old woke up this morning and decided today she was going to be a clown, a very fine choice. A great excuse to dress up and be silly!

The Little Green Frog

Ok so I have to admit this wasn't all my own work. Mr Daizy thought he needed to give it a go. He wasn't going to start with something simple either, no it had to be a frog. I have to say he did a pretty good job, I just had to step in after almost an hour (that child has incredible patience!) and fix up all the loose ends.
Doesn't the four year old look lovely in green.

The one that started them all.

The first day of the school holidays, in desperate need of something to entertain a 4 year old, we dug out the face paints. I have to say for my first ever attempt, I was quite impressed by how it turned out. This got me thinking, what could I do next??? I really enjoyed it, and so did my 4 year old. And thats where is all began.


I am just a regular stay at home mum to delightful daughters aged 4 and 2. After discovering a very old set of face paints buried in a closet, a whole new world opened up to us. What better way to entertain a 4 year old during weeks off school than transforming them into what ever they dreamed of. (And it was great for keeping them quiet for 20 minutes)
What started as a school holiday project 'A face paint a day' quickly became a passion. I just love watching each child's face light up as their new identity is revealed to them.
This blog is a way for me to share my face paintings and maybe one day I'll get to get to paint more and more faces.